Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

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1 Course

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Week 4 Discussion Issues

Week 4 Discussion Issues

Q 1. By providing appropriate examples, discuss the gap between expectations of colonized peoples and the realities of independence in post-colonial Africa and Asia. 2. Discuss the Communist takeover of China, Vietnam, and Cuba. 3. Discuss the breakup of the USSR and the end of the Cold War. What were the immediate consequences of the collapse of the Soviet system? Discuss? What is the future of democracy in China? Discuss.

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There is huge gap between the expectations of the colonized people and the realities of independence in the post-colonial Africa and Asia. Doubtlessly one of the drawbacks of after colonization has been the decline of economy in most of the African and Asian countries. The economic loss is possibly higher than that of the Asian countries. Most significantly, political instability and social deconstruction following a steady increase in the criminal offenses and no visible progress in the academic and medical field are some of the major drawbacks most of the African and some of the Asian countries have received. In several countries of Africa and Middle Eastern Asian countries, armies of unemployed youths taking advantages of the opportunities cost for rebellion as well as for violence against the state are growing.